Saturday, January 01, 2005

my thoughts(part II) goes part II...

Winston shows yet more human like qualities.he believes julia to be his enemy yet,he feels sympathetic towards her and starts forward to help her when she falls on her injured hand.Also,he is affected by her note of love to him.he actually seems to understand the concept of love,compared to the other Party memebers.also,he resists pushing katharine over the cliff to kill her.which must surely have taken great amounts of restraint.

its then quite amusing to read on about them planning secret rendezvous,without the knowledge of the party.its almost like teeange lovers scurrying around without getting caught by their parents.haha.julia shows her smart and cunning side-using party activities to learn things to her own advantage.

julia seems to be one of the rare few who actually enjoy the act of sex.she also claims to have had sex with other party members before.this kind of information changes the way you look at the party members.they aren't as pure as they'd like you to believe.

oh.the girls are educated from the age of sixteen that having sex to reproduce was their duty to the all girls are brought up with that idea in mind.very brain washed.kinda gets rid of your individuality.

julia is sensible,and puts forth a very plausible explanation as to why the Party wants to deprive its people of sex.if people had sex,they would be satisfied and would not have the energy to put into hating goldstein and loving BB.quite smart aren't they,the Party.haha.

winston shows perception.he knows that its only a matter of time before the thought police discover the acts they have done and arrest them.and eventually,kill them.he's like the living dead!it also shows the effectiveness of the Party's matter how good your planning skills are,you're definitely bound to get caught in the end.

at one point,julia says that she thinks that the picture's bound to have bugs behind it and she's got to clean it someday.and she's so close to finding the telescreen hidden behind the picture!!oh.and maybe there's a double meaning to bugs-insects and listening devices!!the telescreen can count as a bug no?

by this time,BB seems like a made up character.someone to use as a front-because the people seem to respect him,fear him and love him.while O'Brien seems to be the person at the head of the Party,but behind the scenes.

and the truth behind winston's family comes out!!he didn't really kill her.he just thought he did.but his selfishness disgusts me.its war time and food is scarce,so you'd think that even though he's such a young fella,he'd not be so greedy.but he is.and his last memory of his mom and sister(his dad disappeared a while back.How is it the party makes people disappear??) is of stealing their meagre chocolate ration away.i guess i don't blame him for blocking out the memory of least it shows he has feelings,and hasn't become hard inside.

Winston commits his most fatal mistake-admitting to O'Brien that he's against the Party.and bringing julia along know it was the wrong thing to do when you hear the finality of "we never help our members."but still,Winston continues to hold this unknown respect for O'Brien that nothing seems to be able to shake.

Hate week.its almost like national day or something,the amount of enthusiasm and effort they put into it.haha.but its really amzing how they are able to turn the hate that the people have been building up towards Eurasia for six days to Eastasia in an instant.and the people don't question it.its amazing how much control they wield over the people.

ooh.then i understood the meaning of war is peace!and got more confused about the meaning of ignorance is to enlighten me anyone?haha.

and winston and julia are captured by the thought police!the friendly old man they rented the room from is one of the thought police.just goes to prove the point that none of teh people around you can be trusted.

moving on to part III in the next entry..


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